Friday, November 21, 2008

The rotting sea splits and all we have is this.

I cant really remember order but it began in this hogwarts like castle and there were these ghost warewolves there who kept telling me that I had to go to the ocean....
and then I am driving a taxi to the ocean , and pretty much it is miles and miles of desolate beach. its apparent that everything has been washed over and all there is is beach & ocean on one side of the small road, and more sand on the other. So I am driving and I can see all this debris on the horizon line of the ocean and then I see a group of people and Skyler is standing ontop of this log.
my brother calls and asks me if I can find his frat pin that he dropped in my taxi (a small yellow gold freemason pin) I find it and for the rest of the dream I am dropping it and picking it up, holding tightly onto it. meanwhile I park and get out and I go and stand next to you on this HUGE log there are other people who kept saying they were vampires and shit. and we watched at all these ships, starting to drift in and getting stuck on the beach. at one point Skyler and I were sitting right where the water meets
and note
the sky was like all grey and I didnt know what time it was, and it was warm

so we are sitting on the edge and all of a sudden this massive blue ship pops up from under the surface and gets washed ashore nearly crushing us, but he grab my hand and we run from it. then we sit on the log watching a double decker bus wash in attactched to a phone pole...more ships wash in slowly with the tide and whatever
then I realize we need to go to the bunker I was staying at and my mom was there and she was cooking for a ton of people
it was all these random people from my childhood and some of my friends now and i am getting upset bc she wont talk to Skyler. Shes cooking and I am starting to worry bc I am afraid my brother is going to get stuck in the dunes after night fall
one of my oldest friends David shows up and he walks in, grabs me and kisses me really hard on the mouth and drags me outside he tells me how before it all ends he needs to tell me that he loves me. He is gay, but he loves me with all his heart.

the nightmare life in death Pictures, Images and Photos

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