Friday, November 14, 2008

Dream Machine

I have been dreaming ALOT lately. The kinds of dreams where you wake up feeling exhausted because your mind was so active... yeah... sucks. I am trying to remember ones from earlier this week, but in the meantime I will post the one I had last night... super crazy.

so I dreamt about this girl who I keep dreaming about for some reason
this chick T ( I had a dream last week where her and I got married) and then I dreamt that my friends were on top of this huge cliff. The cliff was a plateau hundreds of miles above the earth. The earth was covered in water and everything was sunset colors. It started to pour, and we were running aroud on the top of this mountain cliff, like reeeeeeeally up there in the clouds
and at one point we are running to the edge and I see this weird blue fish... it was beautiful and It was still alive bc it was wiggling. I went to pick it up and throw it into the ocean but it stung me and latched onto me. I threw it to the ground and squeezed all the puss out of my hand which dripped out of my hand like sap. Then a couple minutes later this woman comes by and she reaches down to pick the fish up and the same thing happens to her except much worse. She comes over to us and is like "I want to show you something" meanwhile her hand is really fucked up. she takes a knife, cuts her hand off and begins to carve the fish really intricately, in spirals. She draws a square into the blue dirt and a small grill is created (?) and she fries the fish.

Fan Dancer Pictures, Images and Photos

When I told my friend Skyler about the dream he said:

something so beautiful that sucks the life out of you... someone will save you from it and make you realize there is more beauty than the fish itself ( the person who saves you)

isnt it funny how other people can interpret your dreams but you cant? because you will make stuff up as you want it to fit your life. I think he is right in the interpretation. Anyway... dream memory purged.

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