Saturday, December 20, 2008


a polar shift and one second extra...

or maybe left behind.

And when these lights zoom past me and i have to pull and pull at my skirt hem, i feel dizzy. One more second that didnt exist before.

reset the atomic clocks.

reset the human race.

backspace space space space delete.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am sorry I am so fucking crazy.

Monday, December 1, 2008


mega freak out last night. Still not sleeping. Still insomniatic 23 years later.

Today I wrote 11.30.2003 on the top of my paper. I was confused and for the quickest moment I couldn't comprehend how 5 years had passed and still I was the same kind of fucked up.

The kind that longs for 17 when 17 actually sucked. And the kind that is dwarfed by fear on a nightly basis.

oh hell oh hell oh hell.