Thursday, August 21, 2008


I just dreamt of the last holloween on earth. I was back in Nisky and tryng to rally troops of people to hang out. I was wearing a shower cap on my head while I picked at the guitar.

The sky was a purple grey like raining ash and in my back yard I saw lizards jump from their skins to become frogs, a witch hid in a log and screamed until her face melted off. In the back a grizzly bear shot a gun and killed the only hostage we had here. A pool of red light radiated, and I could no longer tell if this was my real life or a computer screen.

That night things got bad and my lover, who told her life story in a song held me tight and told me about how the entirety of Arab States was about to invade Europe and America and that we would have to hold on to eachtoher because the blasts were about to come.

She kissed me and when she kissed me I saw the purest white light.

When she stopped I saw red again.

She tried to get me to tell her why I wouldnt guess on what was going to happen.

I said something about how the hostages we were demanding back would make this situation worse than we could ever imagine and then the forest blew.

I kissed her again just to see purity.

As the walls tore away to a sea of dead animals she sang me the song of how she was destined to love me, and how she had been taught to sing at three by a mother who died the day she lost her tune.


When we play adam and eve

When we grow old you will look like Dylan and I will have long red hair.
We will lie on a faded oriental carpet smoking joints and playing records.
I will write on white walls like paint and we will make love apocalypticlly.

and dylan he says "I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours,"

and don't you know that the only person I want to end the world with is you?


Friday, August 15, 2008

situational poetry

so I read last night and it went okay. I have a lot of feelings that I don't feel like sharing so I wont.

i think I did alright, and I am pretty suprised and pleased with all my friends for showing up. It really tells me who is real in my life. anyway.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

My tattoo

I have an Ellipsis tattooed on my wrist, it is by far my favorite punctuation. I found this online and thought it was cool.

Dot Dot Dot: Using the Ellipsis Correctly
Posted by miss-write on
August 8, 2008

Certainly one of the most overused punctuation marks on the internet, a lot of bloggers and forum participants tend to use the ellipsis to show transition from one thought to another. Whereas the correct mark to use is the period or a comma, the punctuation mark of choice of most netizens is still the ellipsis. I must admit that there is a certain allure to the ellipsis. It exudes mystery and signals the unknown. The ellipsis is the harbinger of surprise — there is almost always something hidden from one’s view beyond those three dots.

Despite its ability to lure one to the dark side, one must remember that there are still specific and accepted ways of using the ellipsis. Like most punctuation marks, you can’t just bandy it about whenever the mood strikes.

More importantly, the ellipsis usually appears in two forms (though this is largely an illusion, as you will see later on): the one with three dots, and another with four dots. It may seem irrelevant, counting these dots, but trust me. This actually means something, and you don’t want to take any chances.

Here are some guidelines in using the ellipsis properly, after the jump:

1. Used to signify omission. When the ellipsis appears in a quotation, this means that the writer omitted a portion of the original text. Three dots (…) mean that the omission is within the sentence only. Four dots (….) indicate that the omission is between sentences. To be clear, this doesn’t mean the ellipsis actually has four dots; the additional dot is a period, and it is situation prior to the ellipsis. In short, the first dot is a period (marking the end of one sentence), followed by the ellipsis.

2. Used to indicate a pregnant pause. In literature, this often means that there is a specific reason tied to the plot whenever the ellipsis is used. It is contextual. Perhaps the speaker is attempting to conceal something from his listeners, or is unable to speak directly for some reason. In fiction, this often means that the character is intentionally mum on an important yet unrevealed matter. It can even signal hesitation on the speaker’s part.

3. Used to present an unfinished thought. This is related to number two. Often employed in literature, the character’s thoughts trail off and are marked with an ellipsis. Here the ellipsis is again combined with the period, resulting in four dots. If the thought trails off and there are no sentences following it, the result is an ellipsis followed by a period to indicate the end of the sentence.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

the devil in me

I dreamt that I was eating at this small indian restaurant and I stole water without paying for it because it was a hot day and felt i shouldn thave to pay for water. The owner runs out after me and grabs me by the shoulders and starts chanting at me in latin or something, and I realize he is trying to hex me. After he is done chanting he explains that I will be like this forever and it was my own fate. He leaves me to go off in the world.

As I am walking I realize that there is something in me now. I have these powers. and I did have powers. I am on the beach later in the dream and these teenage boys surround me saying they heard I got hexed. One of them had a swastika tattooed on his forehead and they are teasing me. Suddenly i transform into this demon and part the solid earth creating a stairwell. I jump into the hole and begin shouting and cursing at them in demon. I lure them in one by one and send them all to hell, except for these two twin boys who were younger and clearly the brother of one of the boys.

Throughout the dream there are things happening to me that I cant stop. THings like people poking me on the back, or in darkness it looks like someone is shining a light in my eyes, I can move things, or once while I am packing up stuff trying to run away, I turn around and my blanket is suspended in mid air.

I also have a companion. It was this kid I went to highschool Don, who also was hexed by the same man. We try to talk to eachother but for some reason we are physically unable to explain much more than shallow things.

At another point in the dream I am on a bridge trying to get to a movie with my friends, and the bridge is closed off half way through so I have to speed to the cinema.

Another point I am in the bathroom of that same indian restaurant and I am in there with my friend, she excuses herself and goes out side. While I am in there, I look up and it looks like she is on the celing tapping into ice, or standing on it. I try screaming to her but she cant hear me (in reality she was just standing on a puddle) and I scream and she breaks through it, looking like she is going to drown. I realize that she has fallen into the ocean. I am able to transform into a pelican (because they are the most depressing animals) and I fly to the ocean to find her- to no avail.

the last segment of the dream I meet another man who is evil but not a demon. I close him in a closet excersizing my storngest powers and try to engulf him in flames. It doesnt work and he walks out unharmed and alive.


Monday, August 4, 2008



Sunday, August 3, 2008

Muse (unfinished)

The Muse.

"I once truly fell in love with an unseen friend-- who refused to meet me in real life, who became the object of my every desire, my muse, the reason I walked this planet-- with every cell of my heart."

He stands at her window and although she is supposed to review his photographs, she cant help but want to show him her own. She opens the blinds by flicking a switch located on the wall across from where he stands. She walks over to the couch and sits down, patting her dress down and tucking the trim around her slim ankles. She wonders if he notices how thin her waist is, how her stomach paunches from two pregnancies and a miscarriage.

He sits beside her and pulls a large black portfolio from his bag, spreading it on the table.
"This, mostly is my portraiture." Men with grey folded skin peer up at her. "Mostly derelicts, street kids, druggies." She is marveled by the precision, the thought of the photos, but holds her tongue.
“What is it, James, about them, that makes you want to take their portraits?”
James rests his elbows on his knees. His pants are gathered around his crotch, enough so she can see his groin bulge. She stares long enough to allow him a response.
“James? You know I ask you only for your benefit, but what makes you think that your photos will stand apart from the hundreds of other photographers who do the same thing?” She stands up and pulls a cigarette from the silver case on the table. “You can’t think that this is an innovative idea?” Kids with anarchy tattoos light up half smoked cigarette butts. Teenage girls hook at street corners. A nine year old boy is but a blur as he dodges through traffic.

. . . .

“Its not about the photo Liz, but the story behind them.” James stands half naked at the edge of his bed as the girl slides on her black panties, using the bed as a shield, careful not to expose too much.

“Well, James, you are a photographer, not a writer, so I don’t know what to tell you… Will you hand me that bra?” She points to the pink under-wire that is draped over an office chair. James runs his hands through his hair and pulls his binder over his head as Liz too hides her breasts.

“Well fuck that. She’s stupid and doesn’t get it.”

. . . .

“The boy, in this picture…” he points to the blur of a boy. She inhales deeper than intended, admiring his long fingers. “He was not hit, but almost. The car that almost hit him had to slam…”


He looks up. Large eyes, even larger lips, and she suspects a bit of Japanese blood.

“You are a fool Mr. Reed. Your audience will never actually know what happened. There will be no caption, unless editorial, and might I add, this is not editorial work.” She waves the cigarette close to her face, an act of pure drama, and he follows the wand of smoke. “There will be no long drawn out explanation; a little behind the scenes. If you want to tell a story you must do it in one shot.” She emphasizes the last syllables and poses her hands up to her face again, mimetic of the clicking of a photo. James shuts his portfolio, stuffing it into his bag and stands up.

“So I need to just trash these then?” His voice is annoyed, yet there is still a shyness that she knew from class. She sits back down, patting the sofa beside her, and discreetly rolls her shoulders to expose her bust.

“No. You don’t ‘trash’ this collection. You need to find a muse. Something that moves you. What is it, that you love more than anything? That could entertain you for hours at a time, that you lose yourself to?”

She leans back. He opens his mouth to speak.

“Shh” She presses her finger to his lips. “I needn’t know Mr. Reed. Just show me.”

. . . .

“So like, then she asks me to do yard work for her.”

“What?” Liz sits at the vanity painting black rings around her eyes. She feels a kin to the photo of her great grandmother wearing a black dress and a long string of pearls. The eyes make her feel like the flapper her great grandmother was. She turns around and looks at him. He has his hands down his pants and is adjusting his pack.

“Yard work. We started in the living room which was fine. But then her cats meowed at the door, and she asked me to let them in. Honestly if she wasn’t my Professor I would think she was hitting on me. I totally thought she was a lez too, until she mentioned an ex husband and two sons.”

Liz turns around in her chair.

“Hitting on you? “ She smiles. “I mean, James, the thought of you being seduced by a much older woman is incredibly hot.”

“Babe, she has a 27 year old son. That is how old she is for Christ’s’ sake!”


“No. Not hot.”

“I think your lying.” Liz stands up and sways over to James, She runs her hands up his shirt and kisses his neck. “If I dress up like an older woman, can I seduce you?” James grabs her hands and pulls them away.

“Well to spoil your fantasy she is not hot. She is like 5’0” and probably close to 200 lbs”

“Oh… “

“Yeah, Oh.”

. . . .


“Yeah baby?”

“How did you even end up at Carols today?”

He laughs and kisses her cheek, and puts her head on his chest.

“well I was upstairs in my school, which is like a huge house, sitting on this black leather couch with my laptop in my lap and playing halo. Remember how I had to borrow your adapter.?”

“Oh yeah.”

“You know how it’s bigger than mine? Well Carols ex husband works at apple, so she comes over and starts bitching at me for having the wrong power supply or some shit.” James nudges her head off his chest and lights up a cigarette. “I told her mine was broken, and this was yours and blah blah. Anyway…” Liz sits up letting the blanket fall away from her, and grabs his cigarette. “She tells me to make an appointment at apple with her ex husband
“Well then she sees me later on and starts talking up this thunderous storm about how her cats have been acting really weird, and bitching about the internet not working. Then like, totally non-sequiter she asks me if I would like to review my portfolio with her later on because she is a part of the Review board…anyhow. So I say yeah, and after my Lit class I meet her in the Library. She asks if I will give her a ride home since she walked and that’s pretty much it.”

“ So she is a crazy cat lady, and then she ripped your portfolio a new asshole?”

“pretty much.”

“oh. Just wondering.”

. . . .

“I want you to pose two ways. One with your cock and tits, and one with your back turned.”

Her dress is loose, but it is obvious to him that underneath she is laced. He steps out of his pants letting them fall, revealing his already erect dick.

“May I keep my shirt on?”

“No. You may not.”

He un-buttons his shirt and slowly peels off his binder, conscious of the release of his breasts.

“ Don’t you need more light Mrs. Cochran?”

“No. And Shut up. Hopefully with this low of exposure we won’t see the harness, although if we do, it shouldn’t be such a bad thing.” She walks up to him, and sees him in a way she hadn’t before. He is a real boy. Or could be. His jaw is tight and sharp around the edge. His neck is long and extends down to broad shoulders, thin but toned arms, and if she squints, his breasts disappear.

Through the Lens he is a girl posing as a boy. Through the lens he is pale and scared, his shoulders look weak and his cock is fake. The areolas are dark and only enhance the shadows of his tits, but she hits the button anyway. She hits him anyway.

And he is like a child. He cries in slow motion and moves in waves, and in her a piece of him exists. She lets him cry in solitude, and perverts this sadness by the presence of a lens. A double shutter capturing more than what is human. An intangible existence stripped of everything but truth.

She learns his name was Jennifer. He puts his hands in her, and in her he is nearly crushed. A woman. A muse.


Stumble Upon

Today stumbled upon this page where you submit one sentence stories and read something that I had written two years ago. It freaked me out because it was in the best of section and it is one of my best kept secrets. The thought of so many people knowing the one most vulnerable thing about me freaks me out.

I had to bookmark it. I still can't believe that it actually happened. In the entirety of the internet I happen upon my ONE dark secret.


At least it was eloquent and well liked.

But really what are the effing chances?